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Return to school

On this page you will find information on Dates, Uniforms, Procedures and so on. 


Click below for information on important dates for your child.


We operate a book rental scheme at Mercy Inchicore, find out more


All information on uniforms and PE gear can be found below


Other questions which are commonly asked can be found here



Our calendar for 2024/2025 is available here . Our first years will join us on August 22nd at 10am. The return dates of all other years is found in the FAQ below. 



There is a new book rental model being implemented by the Department of Education from September 2024 for Junior Cycle students. Senior cycle students continue on the book rental scheme they were already signed up for. For our policy and acceptance form please click here.


Our School has a school uniform and a separate PE tracksuit. The tracksuit, Jumper and Skirt (Optional) can be purchased from . The shirts, trousers and polo tops can be purchased in any retailer selling uniforms.  The Uniform must be worn everyday except PE day, when the tracksuit can be worn. 




  • When is my child starting/returning to school?
    First years return on August 22nd at 10am Second Years return on August 23rd at 9am Third Years return August 23rd at 9am TY returns August 26th at 9am LCA returns August 26th at 9am 5th Years return August 23rd at 9am 6th Years return August 22nd at 9am
  • Where do I get the books?
    If your child is on the book rental scheme, the books will already be in their locker. They will need to wear the full uniform on their first day in August.
  • When and where can I pay for the book rental?
    A new model for book rental has been developed by the Department of Education, this means books for JC students are free to parents, while seniors pay the school directly via TYRO.
  • What class will my child be in?
    When your child starts in August they will be placed in a class with their own tutor. There will be three seperate classes.
  • Where can I purchase the Uniform
    Crested items may be purchased from , non crested items can be purchased from any major clothing retailer.
  • Can they wear runners?
    Runners are allowed to be worn but they must be black and without any logos etc.
  • My child is quite anxious, is there anyone I can talk to in advance.
    You can email the deputy principal at and he can pass messages to the tutors or the school support staff. We have a very active student support team and a lot of supports.
  • Are there any supports available to me as a parent to help with all of these extra costs.
    If you are in need of supports please email james.hanrahan@mercyinchicore and we will see what supports are available.
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